
tell me about your project

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You’ll be surprised how affordable a website from iDesignsite can be!

Frequently Asked Questions

Websites are not simple to create. They can be simple to navigate, or simple to understand. But creating a website comes with a weighty load of considerations. Even a one-page website can have a host of complications. There are hundreds of combinations of modes of browsing, browsers, screen sizes, screen types and operating systems. They all need to be accounted for and tested. There is no simple way to accomplish that.

Also, some things that seem simple to create, might actually be really complicated. And some things that seem complicated, may turn out to be simple.

First, let go of your expectations.
Next, consider your budget and your needs.
Then, contact me to discuss these considerations.

We can work together to arrive at a solution that works within your budget and meets your needs.

But regardless, the solution will not be simple and that’s okay. If it fits within your budget and meets your needs, what else about the investment really matters?

Read more about website development costs here

SEO never ever simply remains fine and steady. The method that search engines use to rank sites is a process that changes. So, if you have a website that you’ve set up and left alone, the search engine ranking will have already changed, on its own.

Making changes to your website will affect the SEO. Any new blog posts or basic content updates will affect the ranking. Not making any changes will affect ranking. Changes to performance will affect ranking. Changing the SEO is not something that is avoidable.

Ranking sites involves arranging sites in order of which are most relevant to the search. Since new sites are being created all the time, that can also affect the overall ranking.

In order to know what exactly SEO is even doing, it needs regular monitoring. If you’re already regularly monitoring and adjusting your SEO to account for the changes mentioned above, then the SEO is changing anyway.

SEO can be a great marketing tool but it’s also helpful in understanding how visitors are interacting and responding to your content and messaging. It always important to keep under consideration while building a website.

If you are tempted to ask a developer this question, it makes me wonder why?

If you are asking to omit SEO, hoping to save some money on website development, that may not be the best way to do that. Instead, talk to your developer about you budget limits and your business needs. You can work together to create a complete solution that works within your limits.

If you’re concerned about increased traffic, that’s really a separate concern that isn’t controlled by SEO alone. We should discuss it and sort out what barriers are stopping you from positive growth.

Website hosting is difficult to do well. It can’t be done for less than the cost of a cup of coffee/month. When hosts charge less, it’s not because they’re offering less in the way of “fancy features”. They tend to cut corners on security, performance, tech support and stability.

If it was a car, it would be like choosing a car without breaks or door locks, with bad wheel alignment, and that mechanics don’t know how to fix. And choosing it only because it’s $3/month and because it’s located nearby.

Some things are worth spending money on.

Read more about website hosting here

I will build your website on WordPress with Elementor. It’s powerful, user friendly, and no coding required.I have over 7+ years experience with the tool and is a firm favorite with all of our client

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I can, but creating walk-throughs that help you to maintain the site yourself take a lot of time. That will cost the same as the first two months of a care plan. Also, there are some gotchas that can mess up your website if you’re not extremely careful.

I can only provide a general overview of the main maintenance tasks. I can’t make you a web developer. I will only be able to cover the basics in any documentation I provide.

Almost every client I’ve had, that didn’t sign up for a care plan and left to maintain the site themselves, has been hacked at some point. Most often it’s because they didn’t keep up with running WordPress and Plugin updates on a regular basis or they used insecure passwords or shared their passwords.

Maintaining a website yourself is risky and difficult. You probably don’t need that stress in your life. Take a minute to check out the package I offer, and see what’s included and then, if you still want to maintain the site yourself, let’s chat.

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Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.