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Is your website truly working for you and your business?

At a time when having a website presence is more valuable than ever, it is vitally important to stay up to date on your website and evaluate it from time to time. I’ve often advised clients that a website redesign or refresh is generally recommended ...
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How to work out what a WordPress site should cost?

Before clients go asking 10 agencies or freelancers to quote for a new website, it’s important to have a budget in mind for it, but how do they work out how much it should be? This is a complicated question which, unfortunately, doesn’t have a straight ...
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And so to the first post

Ah, the blog – a favorite of the SEO expert and what we should all be spending far too much of our time on. I’ve always used the word ‘blog’ to describe what is actually a collection of categorized and tagged content that is specifically designed to ...
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